This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-François Lagrot, took place in Masai Mara game reserve in Kenya. Despite their protected status in the park, day-to-day life for lions is not without its dangers … as this cub learned the hard way.
A friend sent me an email which included most of the photos shown here, as well as commentary on what was happening in them. Information junkie that I am, I decided to try find the story’s origin and some information about the photographer. I found the story on several news sites and numerous blogs, but had trouble tracking down the photographer until I realised that most of the websites (and some of the watermarked photos) had his name wrong.
The story seems to have first come to light on September 26 2011, although one article said it took place in August. The spot where the cub fell is variously described as a cliff, a ravine, and a river gully, and some writers waxed lyrical in their telling of the story. The photos are displayed here in the order used by Zambezi Safaris Blog (where the writer took a more circumspect approach).
The Photos
All photos copyright © Jean-François Lagrot / SAX ROHMER LTD
The Photographer
Jean-François and Isabelle Lagrot are veterinary surgeons, conservationists and photographers with a passion for rare and endangered species. They have travelled the world in search of these, and have published a number of books documenting their work.
Zambezi Safaris Blog
Lioness saves cub from cliff fall
Nouvelles aventures sauvages by Isabelle and Jean-François Lagrot